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Mohammad Alaa Aljaleel, a great Man

In a cruel world, full of hatred, envy, lust and war, there are still some "anonymous" people that remain in the shadow, giving the best of themselves and helping no matter what. These people deserve to be heard.
One of these people, considered as real treasures, is Mohammad Alaa Aljaleel. He lives in Aleppo of Syria. His job is ambulance driver. Despite the ills of war, he didn't lose his humanity. He loves all living creatures equally, humans and animals. He puts himself last in the list, trying in every way to offer food and love to whoever is in need, mostly children and animals that are the only ones that don't have any responsibility for the current situation in Syria.
This great man put his life in risk every single day, passing through dangerous areas that are being bombed, so that he offers help!
What makes him special among others is that he rescues mostly cats wounded and hungry that live in the areas in danger. Because of his endless effort and people donating, he managed to maintain a shelter called «Ernesto - The house of cats», where more than 170 cats are being roomed. This shelter is continuously on the go, due to frequent bombings. So every times he tries to transfer the shelter to a safer area. Of course, as we can all understand, is not always possible. Many cats, dogs and other animals are being found dead due to the «human hand».
Many people might say «So many people are dying and you still talk about animals?». This world is walking on a tightrope, losing day by day the balance of the chain of all living creatures. This is why it is so important to help others that are in need.
If you want to get informed about Mohammad, you can stay updated through the following links, where many videos and photos are being uploaded:
Mohammad was suggested as a nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize. Lets all hope from the bottom of your hearts for him to manage to survive through these tough conditions. Him and many other people like him that flower in the shadow, doing their best for other's good.
If you want to support Mohammad, you can donate through Paypal or  Bank Deposit. Its is important that you join the official group,so that you find out more details.
  • Paypal:  You will find out more, after you request to join the official group.
  • Bank Deposit: Bank Account: Alessandra Abidin, IBAN: IT32 i 0760 105138 284479 884481, BIC: BPPIITRRXXX
In the video below, Mohammad's story is being presented in short. 
